Everything you need to run your village singing programme from availalbe for Free Download - singing tracks, backing tracks, lyrics, support, instructions & e-Learning - made simple, affordable and backed by Harmonic Health - a global leader in Aged Care Singing Therapy. Not for Commerical Use.
Singing for Seniors
Gerontology Singing Programmes Reinvented
Over 200 Facilities across New Zealand and Australia have been influenced by Dr Julie since launching them in 2011.
Singing for Seniors is the world's first web based eLearning platform specialising in Singing Resources for the Aged Care Sector
Everything you need
Designed by Julie Jackson-Gough PhD, a musical expert in gerontology - the programme contributes to the ongoing physical, mental & emotional health of residents of retirement complexes, for independent to fully dependent people. Up-skill your staff, educate facility
management, provide training & unlimited on-going support to ensure consistent services across your facilities to show you care, and reduce complaints in participants by up to 75%.

easy-to-use media

e-learning modules

programme structure

Simple Yet Effective
Singing for Seniors has the power of a skilled professional onsite, anytime you choose - but without the costs.
There’s a consistent high standard across all villages, independent of level of staff. Residents can run sessions, which frees up the occupational therapist, there are fewer entertainers to organise, the music is in lower keys, and slower speed which is appropriate for aging voices,
- And... it’s not just the old songs!!!
Loved by Residents & Occupational Therapists
Reduce Resident's Complaints
Why? Singing for Seniors is a joy to use. Residents report health benefits, particularly respiratory problems and memory concentration and enhancement. Voice and breathing exercises are a particular help for ex-smokers and asthmatics. You don’t need to be able to read music, singing leaves residents feeling euphoric and residents can choose their own songs.

“l feel like a child again, with the freedom to make faces and loud strange sounds”
“it gives us a sense of achievement that leaves us on a high”

Harmonic Health makes management of your singing programme simple, and effective. Resources are user friendly and provide all of the materials ‘out of the box’ to implement the programme; from set-up guidelines to ongoing implementation and support. Harmonic Health provides managers with insights into the way their village programmes are performing. Singing programmes provide similar benefits to seniors’ exercise programs, they grow exponentially and have high retention rates. The residents who sing are happy.
Valued by Managers & Owners
Singing Resources
Once you register online you can download a welcome pack, view training resource and seminars.
Singing for Seniors has given us a chance to improve and develop our singing and performance skills, along with showing us how beneficial music can be especially at our age! We love to sing together, and the well-being, & happiness that it engenders was evident.
Moria - from Hilda Ross Retirement Village
Are you ready to get your village residents singing more often?
Simple to use resources available for free download for non-commercial use globally.